Reflection Part Two: Death

Dee Dee Lovelle, PharmD
3 min readFeb 17, 2020

“Death is not a failure. It’s a transformation into something bigger and greater. When we grieve, we grieve for ourselves.” — Anita Moorjani

Holding true to my balance-seeking nature, it doesn’t sit right with me to offer my perspective on life without addressing death. A few years ago, I probably wouldn’t have said much if you had asked for my two cents on the subject, because I shuttered at the mere thought of it. I’ve spent a great deal of time looking for answers to some of life’s questions as part of my journey inward. As a result, I believe I better understand what it means to live a full life. In that understanding, I released the fear of death and dying.

In all honesty, there are many factors at play that encourage us to live in fear, oblivious to the impact it can have on our health and relationships, to say the least. Fear alone can breathe life into the very thing we are deathly afraid to face. For instance, I went out of my way to do things the “right way”, only to get cancer anyway. At age 36, I certainly was not ready to die and that still holds true today.

Nevertheless, when it’s your time, it’s your time. I believe the cancer diagnosis was a wake-up call because that’s exactly what happened. I woke up to the truths of my existence; our existence, and I have no regrets. I will even go so far as to say that I am grateful for the…



Dee Dee Lovelle, PharmD

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