5 Steps to Choosing Intuition Over Fear for Smart Decision-Making

Dee Dee Lovelle, PharmD
3 min readAug 31, 2021
An open hand with a wooden disc displaying an eye with the word “yes” in the center.
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Choices are the hinges of destiny. ~ Pythagoras

Every new day brings new challenges, big and small. Do you say yes to wearing that cozy red hoodie or no to spring cleaning the garage? How about yes to meeting your friend for a patio lunch or no to a career overhaul; yes to taking that call you’ve avoided all week or no to…



Dee Dee Lovelle, PharmD

On a spiritual journey rich in love, well-being, & good vibes. FREE Natural stress relief guide: deedeelovelle.com/free-resources